Average Growth: Slow growth, 2.5 - 3.5 inches
total length
Type: Terrestrial
Origin: African deserts
Humidity and Temperature: 65 - 70% Humidity, 26-
Behaviour: Highly venomous that
it can kill a grown man within 2 hours. It is aggressive but calm. This genus is strictly for experienced keepers only. They
should not be handled at all.
Housing: Plastic or glass tank at
least 4 times longer than the scorpion. Provide at least 3 inches desert sand or dry peat. A wide shallow water dish can be
Diet: Mealworms,
Additional note:
Scorpions molt (shed their exoskeleton) to grow. At this point, they are very vulnerable so make sure to remove any
crickets in the tank and leave the scorpion alone. Increase the tank's humidity to ease the scorpion's molt.